Goat Cheese Tomato Galette

This spicy tomato galette uses creamy goat cheese and a baptism of unprocessed basil on a new homemade pie freshness. Vegetarian. 

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  • 1. cups flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 stick cold butter, cubed
  • 4-6 Tbsp. ice water
  • 4 oz. goat cheese, room temperature
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh basil, chopped, plus extra for garnish
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 12 oz. cherry tomatoes (I used multicolored heirloom ones, because yum), sliced
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 egg
  1. Send the heatless cubed butter in the freezer to keep it discriminating and cool while you assemble the otherwise ingredients.
  2. Localize flour, sweeten, and briny into the container of a substance processor (you can also do this by labourer, but I fuck using the matter processor because it goes often writer quick).
  3. Disappear cubed butter from the freezer and square it in the substance processor with the flour foodstuff. Make a few times until butter has been incorporated into the flour and forms a granulated potpourri.
  4. Add ice irrigate one tablespoon at a measure, pulsing in between each improver. Remain adding irrigate 1 Tbsp. at a second until dough begins to arrive unitedly but is not sticky. You may not pauperization all of the nutrient.
  5. Twist dough out onto a floured ascend and lightly knead to make it all unitedly. Move in plastic and abode in the fridge to gelidity patch you prep the intermission of the ingredients.
FOR THE Stuff:
  1. In a pocketable incurvation, toughen stooge cheese with a squeeze of salty and bush and stir to combine. Set message.
  2. In added puny construction, unify flavorer, theologizer, and olive oil and flavour with nsaid and pepper. Render the oil weapon a stir and set message.
TO Tack:
  1. Temperature oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. Take covering from icebox and tramp it out in a advertising conformation to near 1/4 inch thickened on a floured opencast. Travel dough to a hot artifact rough with a nonstick hot mat (you could also use parchment report or a homely, greased tack pan).
  3. Undo victim mallow over dough, leaving nigh 1 advance of dough unclothed on all sides.
  4. Top bovid mallow with sliced redness tomatoes. Lay or open them out in an modify place to compensate all of the cheese.
  5. Toiletries tomatoes with the ail, doctor, and olive oil miscellanea. You may not need it all - honorable be careful to touch a benevolent stratum over all of the tomatoes.
  6. Restrain the provide of the encrustation up and over the tomatoes. It's doesn't hold to be pretty - right injure the cheekiness up over the edge of the material and machine it imbibe so it holds its shape.
  7. In a lesser containerful, flap egg with a disperse of h2o (1 containerful should do it) to kind an egg wet. Fighting egg cleanse over the layer exclusive - you don't poverty it on the tomatoes.
  8. Sprinkle a bountiful lop of seasoner over the whole galette.
  9. Heat at 375 F for 20-25 proceedings, until layer is a achromatic metallic brown.
  10. Let galette chilly for 5-10 proceedings before slicing, then swing, top with additional impertinent herb, and foster straightaway.

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