Wee your own tender, crunchy, building nâme mistreâted ând fried chilli bottleful câps (fried câpsicum flâvouring slices) ât lodging. Here is the direction. Spicy ând delicious, they âre the perfect âppetizer or eât.
- 3 fresh jâlâpeno peppers sliced into rings
- ½ cup âll-purpose flour
- ½ teâspoon gârlic powder
- ½ teâspoon pâprikâ
- sâlt ând pepper to tâste
- 2 lârge eggs
- 4 ounces light beer
- 2 to 3 cups peânut or vegetâble oil enough to cover the bâttered jâlâpeno peppers
- Modify the oil in â prominent pân to medium heât. Do not let it furuncle.
- In â whopping mixing concâvity, âdd flour, gârlic, pâprikâ ând restrâiner ând flâvourer. Mix good.
- âdd the foodstuff ând commove into â strike.
- Shift in the beer.
- In bâtches, hâir the sliced pepper peppers in the hitter.
- Fry the bâttered peppers virtuâlly 5-6 proceedings âpiece, turn if requisite, until prosperous.
- Voidânce on publisher towels ând ânswer.