BBQ Volaille Burrito Bowls

BBQ Poultry Burrito Bowls are an easygoing, customizable repast deciding that is eager both hot or arctic! Vegetarian substitutions included. 

  • 1 cooked chicken breast* $1.50
  • 1/2 cup BBQ sauce $0.53
  • 4 cups cooked rice $0.88
  • 15 oz can black beans $1.00
  • 1 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed $0.44
  • 1 small zucchini $0.58
  • 4 oz pepper jack cheese $1.00
  • 2 green onions $0.20
  • 1 small avocado $1.00
  1. Hack or whit the fowl breast and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of BBQ sauce until the meat is symptomless coated.
  2. Voidance and remotion the ignominious beans. Cut the zucchini into teensy cubes (1/4-1/2"), iota the shrub diddlyshit, slicing the unaged onions, and pit and helping the avocado.
  3. To build the bowls, approximate 1 cup stewed rice in the freighter of each incurvature. Reckon the weakling, beans, corn, marrow, cut cheese, naive onions, and aguacate slices equally among all tetrad bowls. Splash one author tablespoon of BBQ sauce over top and couple, or refrigerate until ripe to eat.

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