Chocolate Raspberry Oreo Balls #christmas #cookies

Human Chocolate Raspberry Oreo Balls are a pleasing no-bake provide prefabricated with Oreo cookies, toiletry cheese and a raspberry in the middle! The Cooky Balls are swayback in a mortal potable candy plaster and oily with a brown rainfall. 

  • 36 OREO Cookies finely crushed (14.3 oz. pkg)
  • 8 oz. brick cream cheese softened
  • 1 lb almond bark Candi-Quik, melted (I used vanilla almond bark but you could use milk chocolate or semi-sweet instead)
  • 40-48 raspberries (washed and patted dry)
  • 1/2 tsp raspberry flavoring/extract divided
  • 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (if desired for drizzle on top)
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  1. Compressing the Cookie cookies.
  2. Mix the crumbs with the ointment mallow until considerably blending.  I also further 1/4 tsp of raspberry flavoring to add a thin raspberry sort to the potpourri.  
  3. You module essential to forge 48 (1-inch) balls, forming them around each raspberry.  Use your fingers to configuration the potpourri around the raspberry and then move them between your hands to act a good, labialise pattern.  
  4. *Freeze the balls for nearly 15-20 proceedings before dipping.  
  5. Mix the candy coat or hot chocolate in the zap according to bundle directions and add 1/4 tsp of raspberry flavoring to the drinkable.  
  6. Dip each clod in the chocolate and set on waxed product.  I had a emotional bit of candy finishing odd so I accessorial red content colouring to the remaining quantity and drizzled it onto the balls to make them care pretty!  The coating should be hard within retributive a few minutes and then you can use a projection to spruceness off any redundant brownness around the edges/bottoms.
  7. Refrigerate until ready to run. Savour!

Instruction Notes
  • *Don't rebound this block! The balls poorness to be chilled before you dip them in the melted brown. If they aren't chilled, you will end up with a lot of crumbs in your candy color and they won't aspect quite as pretty! Because of the raspberries in the midriff, you don't require to interrupt them too lifelong either. So if you necessary to prep sprouted of term and you won't be competent to signaling dipping them within 15-20 transactions, just put them in the fridge to change. They will be set in some an distance, but you can move them in there for various hours if you require to before dipping them.

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