Pepperoni Pizza Grilled Cheese

This is one in every of those recipes wherever your children examine you with utter love and adoration. Straightforward to organize and fast to induce on the table, it makes a fabulous meal. I created this at the weekend for brunch.

Pepperoni Pizza Grilled Cheese

We’d had a late night, the night before, as we tend to were at a birthday dinner. Following day I used to be expecting to create breakfast slightly later than usual – i.e perhaps 9 or 10 a.m.

I then set to create this pizza pie grilled cheese. I warned the youngsters that I had to photograph it, therefore it might be a lot of like 11 a.m before they might eat it.

Pepperoni Pizza Grilled Cheese

I knew that may lead to howls of hunger, therefore I told them they might have cereal for breakfast, or they might have a chunk of fruit to stay them going, then have the pizza pie grilled cheese for brunch.

Never have I seen the youngsters move therefore quick to the fruit bowl!!
So while pizza pie grilled cheese may appear a bit naughty, it seems to be a good technique for obtaining the youngsters to eat additional fruit. I conjointly topped  it with immeasurable sliced peppers, and served with additional tomatoes, and that they scoffed the heap. Win Win!!

Pepperoni Pizza Grilled Cheese

  • 3 thick slices of bread from an artisan style loaf (I used tiger bread)
  • 1 tbsp butter, softened
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 cup sliced thinly sliced pepperoni or chorizo
  • 1/4 red bell pepper, chopped into small chunks
  • 1/4 green bell pepper, chopped into small chunks
  • 1 tbsp chopped scallions
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

  1. Butter one side of one of the slices of bread – this will be the top of your grilled cheese. Put to one side.
  2. Place the two remaining slices of bread on a tray and place under the broiler. Toast on both sides until lightly browned.
  3. Spread the tomato paste on the two slices of toast, then top both slices with the cheddar and mozzarella.
  4. Arrange the pepperoni and chopped peppers on top.
  5. Place back under the broiler to melt the cheese. Put the buttered bread under the broiler at the same time, and toast this piece on both sides.
  6. When the cheese has melted and the pepperoni is bubbling, remove from the tray and place on a plate. Sprinkle both slices with scallions and parsley, then place on piece on top of the other. Add the buttered toast on top (I add it butter-side up so it looks lovely and golden, but you can place it either-side-up).
  7. Serve immediately.

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