Chocolate Citrus Biscuit Block #christmas #cake

A coffee chromatic no heat biscuit cake with lots of festive sort. A major choice to tralatitious Christmastime bar.

  • 350g Digestives, crushed
  • 100g Ginger Biscuits, crushed
  • 100g Dried Fruit of your choice (raisins, cranberries)
  • 50g Chocolate Candy e.g. smarties
  • Zest 1 Orange
  • 340g Butter
  • 240g Golden Syrup
  • 120g Dark Chocolate
  • 60g Cocoa Powder
  • For the topping:
  • 150g Milk Chocolate
  • 150g Dark Chocolate
  • 50g White Chocolate
  1. Stemma a 20cm springform tin with clingfilm so it overhangs the sides.
  2. Area the humiliated biscuits, preserved production, candy and citrus flavour in a magnanimous ball and set content.
  3. Immix the butter, sweetener ,acherontic drink and potable powder either in a vessel over a pan of simmering water or in the microwave (fix it in 30 indorsement bursts and agitate).
  4. Mix the unfrozen butter and beverage miscellany with the dry ingredients and counsel into the tin. Approximate in the fridge overnight.
  5. Un-mould the cover from the tin and clingfilm and put the biscuit block on a serving position.
  6. For the topping, combine the milk and lightless drinkable in the zap then spreadhead over the top and lateral of the block. Place sustain in the icebox for an distance before drizzling with few melted someone brownness.

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