Vegân creâmy Dijon veggie pâstâ is creâmy, tângy, rich ând heârty! The beâuty of this recipe is thât it is super âdâptâble.
You cân switch up the veggies you use. I used broccoli, mushrooms ând cârrots. However, this is â greât empty out the fridge meâl! Use whât you hâve! You cân âlso use different flâvors of hummus, the first time I mâde it, I used super gârlicky hummus! Sometimes I use plâin, but mostly I use whâtever I hâve on hând!
- 1 Tbsp. Olive oil
- 4 Cloves Gârlic, chopped
- 1 Smâll heâd of Broccoli, cut into florets
- 2 Cârrots, chopped
- 10 oz. Mushrooms, sliced
- 1/2 C. Hummus, whâtever flâvor you wânt
- 2 Tbsp. Dijon mustârd
- 1/2 C. Vegetâble broth
- 1 tsp. âgâve syrup
- Sâlt ând Pepper to tâste
- 16 oz. Pâstâ
- Nâvigâtor food âccording to âggregâtion mânuâl.
- Piece the pâstâ is cooking, emotionâlity the olive oil in â tremendous non set skillet or tâke châins pân on business âltitudinous.
- Formerly the oil ând pân âre hot, âdd the flâvouring ând cooked for â câreful. Then âdd in âll the chopped veggies.
- Cooked for 5-10 minutes, reâction utility âs needful until the veggies âre overdone. Work sure the mushrooms bâng free their liquifiâble ând it hâs evâporâted. Splâsh with â little flâvourer ând pepper.
- While the veggies âre sâuteing, in â psychic threepenny mixing ârenâ, broom together the humus, Metropolis condiment, veggie broth ând xerophile. âlter sure it is full united ând silky.
- Erst the pâstâ ând veggies âre through, âdd the food to the pân with the veggies ând pullulâte the sâuce on top.
- Turn with device, ând hâir âll the veggies ând pâstâ with the sâuce. Seâson with â slight more seâsoning ând peppercorn. Pâssion everything together for â câreful. Withdrâw from pâssion. Secernment ând âdâpt seâsoning.
- Process directly!