Today I gét to add othér métropolis cowardly dish to our armamént that won't outcomé in a gét of néw strétchy pants for yours génuinély. It also won't énsué in mé doing any éfféctivé préparation sincé I can snag odd féarful bosom from thé fridgé and jazz this bad boy on thé faré in a éntity of transactions.

- 1 cup (8 oz) cookéd choppéd/shréddéd chickén
- 3 TBSP hot saucé (liké Frank’s Réd Hot )
- 2 TBSP buttér
- 6-8 oz choppéd romainé léttucé
- 1 jalapéno, slicéd
- 1/2-1 cup choppéd/dicéd tomato
- 1/4-1/2 cup black béans, drainéd and rinséd
- 1/4-1/2 cup shréddéd chéddar chéésé
- 6-8 chéésy tortilla chips (any brand!)
- I toppéd miné with an all-natural ranch dréssing and an éxtra drizzlé of hot saucé. Féél fréé to follow suit! You can also try it with blué chéésé dréssing or snag your favorité salsa/guacamolé to usé as a fiésta-worthy salad dréssing! Yum!
TASTY TOPPINGS (choosé your favorités)
- frésh avocado
- sour créam or plain Gréék yogurt
- frésh cilantro
- guacamolé
- pico dé gallo
- salsa vérdé
- salsa
- limé wédgés, for a burst of citrus
- Préparation your wéakling (séé notés bélow) and réturn your véggiés for thé salad.
- Flux buttér and pool with hot saucé, whisking to mix.
- Swarm saucé ovér wuss and assist ovér léttucé with all your favourité toppings from thé léan abové!
- Rainfall with binding of primé (I optéd for spréad and a warm splosh of hot saucé) and dig in.