Raspberry Italian Soda

This Italian soda is bubbly, sweet and creamy! Grab 2 straws and share with a friend; these cold drinks area unit a fun, retro time of year treat!


If you've got ne'er tried associate Italian soda, you actually area unit sure a treat! Italian soda is like drinking the fizziest, creamiest soda ever!  Despite the name, this bubbly drink failed to originate in European country, however within the us within the Twenties. You'll most frequently notice Italian sodas in fruity flavors, however they will very be created with any seasoning.

Truth be told, I wasn’t oversubscribed on the Italian soda the primary time i attempted them.  They were bubbly and effervescent and utterly not like anything I’ve tried.  Eventually, I grew to simply accept Italian soda, particularly once I accomplished however easy they were to form reception.  The flavors area unit restricted solely by your imagination and that they area unit really easy to make!


Ingredients :
  • Ice
  • Torani flavored syrup
  • Raspberry Lime Sparkling Water (I used Spindrift)
  • Splash of lime juice
  • Heavy cream

Instructions :
  1. Fill two glasses with ice. Fill each glass about 1/4-2/3 full with the raspberry syrup. Top each with sparkling water and a splash of fresh lime juice. Slowly pour the desired amount of heavy into each glass. Top with fresh raspberries.

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