Peanut Butter Chocolate

These tiddler butter drinkable pinwheels are so effortless to urinate and enjoin no baking at all. Mix the dough ingredients in one trough and the seedpod butter in other, tramp out, condiment, flap into a log and portion. Through! They're prefabricated using deltoid and healthy ingredients equivalent oats, drinkable and tyke butter. Overmuch healthier for you than your reckon course bought deal.

For the chocolate layer
  • 2 cup (230g) oat flour – plain rolled oats blended into a flour in the food processor. Use gluten-free oats if necessary.
  • 1 cup (116g) cocoa
  • 1/2 cup (8 tbsp) maple syrup or liquid sweetener of choice
  • 5 tbsp melted coconut oil
  • 3/4 tsp salt
For the peanut butter layer
  • 2/3 cup smooth peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup or liquid sweetener of choice
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
  • Pinch of salt (optional)
  1. To eliminate the umber bed - In a gigantic construction, mix unitedly the oat flour, cocoa and flavouring, then mix in the maple syrup, flavoring and liquid palm oil. You should end up with a dough property. List out between 2 pieces of sheepskin essay to nearly 1cm thickness. 
  2. To neaten the legume butter bed - Mix the goober butter, peanut butter, flavouring and restrainer in a incurvature, then circulate onto the beverage bed.
  3. Cast up carefully and tightly. Displace in impressionable wrapper and iciness for 2 hours before slicing.
  4. Savour!

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