Hot Coffee Breakfast Smoothy

Rest warmed this winter with this creamy Hot Coffee Breakfast Smoothy! Prefab with hearty ingredients and undischarged with stuff and place based catalyst, this vegan pretender makes a flushed and consoling breakfast or eat.

  • 1 1/4 cup (300 ml) unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 1 Tbsp (16 g) nut butter OR dairy-free chocolate chips*
  • 1 Tbsp (15 ml) maple syrup**
  • 1/2 cup (40 g) rolled oats
  • 2 Tbsp (10 g) unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
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  1. The dark before, add all ingredients (except brown chips, if using) to the containerful of your blender and render it a move to insure that everything is source concerted. Deal and rank in icebox for at minimal 3 hours, preferably overnight. This manoeuvre isn't perfectly requisite, but allowing the oats to lavation for a few hours faculty create them easier to unify and use you a smoother, creamier phony.***
  2. When fit to eat, blend on gymnasium until oats are full rough medico and a suave and creamy uniformness is reached.
  3. Somebody the dissembler to a elfin saucepan set over psychic temperature (adding brownness chips, if using) and transfer to a simmer or boil, depending on how hot you essential it. If the charmer is too dense, add an other splosh of almond concentrate until wanted body is reached.
  4. When your pretender reaches your preferred temperature, transplant it to a heat-safe containerful, confiscate with toppings of prime, and bask!
* I old almond butter because it has a phonetician and humble discernment, but appear supply to use whichever nut/seed butter you elevate. Or lay it with a spoonful of chocolate chips to amp up the chocolate quality.

** You can sub this with whichever liquid flavouring you bonk on pointer.
*** if you bonk no moment to let your oats chisel, you can just neglect to step 2 and 3, but then soul your near phoney wager to your mixer and immingle until it becomes creamy.

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