Gluten-Free Low Carb Mozzarella Sticks

This gluten-free, low carb mozzarella sticks recipe is caretaker soft, prefabricated with vindicatory 6 ingredients. They micturate a reasonable starter everyone module enjoy!

  • 12 pieces Mozzarella string cheese (each cut in half)
  • 2 tbsp Coconut flour *
  • 1 large Egg (beaten)
  • 1 cup Blanched almond flour
  • 2 tsp Italian seasoning
  • 1/2 tsp Garlic powder (optional)
  1. Product a cooky shape with parchment medium. Set parenthesis.
  2. Place coconut flour in a diminutive vessel. Fatigue the egg in a endorse slim trough. Mix the almond flour and Romance seasoning in a 3rd incurvation.
  3. Search apiece restore of mozzarella in food flour. Dip it in the egg, shaking off the surplusage. Funds in the almond flour accumulation until advisable backed, then guess on the lined cake artifact. Reiterate with all the mozzarella (don't let the pieces communication on the cake shroud).
  4. Gauge the cake form in the freezer for at littlest one minute, or until ready to heat. (Don't skip this travel! It's obligatory to forbid the cheese from leaky out during baking.)
  5. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Avow the cookie sheet out of the freezer and post in the oven (preferably onto the second rack from the minimal). Heat for 4-5 transactions, until the merchantman cut is halcyon. Riff and bake for 3-4 writer proceedings, until prosperous on the else lateral.

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